Sunday, March 2, 2008

At Age 10

When I was 10 years old, I was not an unusual girl. I think I was shy in class, outgoing outside class and home. I can remember that I was so shy I couldn't ask our teacher somthing. I felt ashamed of rasing my hand for asking something even though I cannot understand it now. At that time my world was divided in two parts before and after my father's car accident as I wote it in my first essay. Before my father's accident I was cheerful and sensitive, but I was a little mature after it.

I liked playing the piano at that time. Fortunately I met an old piano teacher who was almost 60 years old and liked me, and I could get a lesson everyday. My tutor was so busy that I went to his house early in the morning before going to school. I really liked the time that I practiced the piano and sang a song wisperly. Another important memory is my best friend HeeRa with whom I shared my everything, and we always spent free time together after school with doing homework, playing a game, talking about ourclassmates and something. Her father was a pastor and he was so kind and generous, especially for HeeRa and me. Looking back to my time at age 10, HeeRa was the closest person even though I don't know where she lives now. I liked close relationship with only one friend as if Maya did with her brother, Bailey.^^

In school I was an obedient and naive student. When our teacher said something, I always followed it. Before my father got the accident, I was just common, not prominent student. However, after my father was in hospital, I studied very hard, and I became an excellent student because I thought that studying was all that I could do. And I learned the traditional dance called Changguchum in shcool, which is dancing with a changgu like a drum. It was so fun to beat a changgu and dance with the unique rhythm. However, I didn't like doing exercise nor drawing. I think my drawing was the worst in our class.

Now I am a defferent adult from a little girl at that time, but there are some charaters that I have kept until now.

1 comment:

YiNing said...

Oh! That sounds cool to dance the traditional dance. Can that kind of dance dance alone?